A - Z Challenge 2013

A is for Anniversary

20130210-230657I could not have timed the beginning of this challenge better if I had tried, with the beginning tying in with my anniversary of one year here at wordpress.  I had tried another blogging platform previously but it just didn’t suit me and I found it hard to find my feet and get started.  Then a Facebook friend from the US had a look around for me and came back and suggested here as the best place to fit my needs and I haven’t looked back since.

Though recently I have fallen behind in visiting blogs I know that the people I have met here understand after all most of them like myself are balancing family, jobs and writing and as much as we would love to spend hours reading it is the first thing allowed to slide when we feel overwhelmed.

I just want to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to you the people who come back day after day and support me and give me the self belief to keep going.

16 thoughts on “A is for Anniversary

  1. Congratulations on your blogiversary, Paula! Here’s to another smashing year! Lookin forward to reading your new challenge…

    So, em, how far through ‘Udlpho’ are you now?


      1. Oh no, I feel ultra bad about that! Should we make that a new challenge – maybe just allow it to take the time that it probably will…? I would like to read it and to honour my word! 😉


    1. thankyou and like wise look forward to reading yours as I was bottom of the list was just going to pick five or so to follow to read posts so you are number two 😀


  2. Thank you, Paula, it is great to see another blogger who is too busy to perhaps do all that she would love to do. I’d love to follow up on more blogs. And thanks, too, Morgen Bailey tells me you liked my little flash fiction “Music of the Spheres.” Much appreciated.


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