Awards · So it's Saturday

More Awards on my Birthday

The lovely S.L over at The Urge To Write has nominated me for the Beautiful Blogger Award she is fairly new to blogging so I hope lots of you will stop by and lend her your support as you did me when I started.

The Rules…

  1. Write a little something about the Beautiful Blogger who nominated you. See above and don’t forget to go and check her out too.
  2. Share 7 things about yourself.
  3. Nominate for this award 7 worthy beautiful bloggers.

I have also been honoured by Ahmin, who I watch go from strength to strenth with inpired wonder,  with this one

The One Lovely Blog Rules of Acceptance

Thank the person/people who nominated you and link back to them in your post.
Share seven possibly unknown things about yourself.
Nominate fifteen or so bloggers you admire.
Contact the chosen bloggers to let them know and link back to them.

As always I am flattered beyond belief with nominations but then quake as I realise that it requires 7 more things to amuse you.  I mean what else can I tell you that you will find interesting?

here goes…

1) today is my birthday not very interesting for you but for me it means I survived another year lol

2) I bought myself a birthday pressie

3) I made this, hand sewing every patch, it has seen better days and was actually supposed to be a tea cosy when it started back in high school

4) I am constantly on the quest to lose weight but have just discovered a new temptation

5) I actually have a designated letter writing box.  I got it years ago when I actually used to write to my gran a lot and have just restocked it as need dictated, the last few years it hasn’t had much use but recently I realised how much I miss sending proper letters so plan on making the effort again if anyone fancies receiving a random letter or christmas card email me or message me via my fb page with your address you never know what the postie might bring

6) and 7) I love charity shop rummaging and a couple of weeks ago picked up this crystal mini vase perfect for holding my quill pen the other thing as you can see is I also have a habit of picking up stray feathers, I did have more but you guessed the puppy chewed them!

Now for nominations I have decided to pick on some of the newer blogs I have followed and they can pick either award depending which they already have


The Jenny Mac Book Blog

The Madame’s Tea Party

Dory’s World

QBG_Tilted Tiara




Dianne Gray author


Wine And Roses From Outer Space

Okay there we go as its my birthday going to curl up with my book and eat cake!

22 thoughts on “More Awards on my Birthday

  1. Happy Birthday, Paula! Congratulations on the awards, you are very deserving of them. I loved your 7 things – charity shop rummaging is my favourite as well!!!

    Thank you so much for the nomination. It’s been a big weekend for me with awards all round 😀 I’m going to check out all the other nominees links now 🙂


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