Away Days · Tuesday Reflections

Last of the Summer Wine Country

Okay am late posting today two reasons the first as you know from my last few posts the Lennox campaign has been something close to my heart and I have spent the last couple of hours helping spread the word about various petitions and discussing some Anti BSL rallys happening here in the UK this weekend if anyone in the UK would like to know more about that please feel free to email me.  I do have a favour to ask of any dog lovers who may be reading this… The TV programme “Dispatches” on channel 4 have said that they will investigate BCC if they get enough requests.So get if you could spare a few minute to email the address is

Okay back to normal service the other reason I am late is I spent the day away from the computer out in the countryside with the other half.  For those not in the UK who might not have a clue what the title of this blog refers to bare with me all will be explained.

Rooibos and Parma Violet Soaps

I good friend of mine Claire makes the most amazing jewellery recently she branched out and started making soap. Today she was at Holmfirth Market so I decided to go lend my support aswell as help myself to some lovely new soaps.

If anyone would like to see her full range and her fantastic jewellery including the Tiger’s Eye set she created just for me take a look here at Claire’s Gems.

So back to the title a programme UK followers will have heard of is Last of the Summer Wine basically a comedy about a group of pensioners getting up to all sorts of mischief.  When I mentioned to other half was going to write this post he said you gotta have the bathtub, and I guess it does explain the show pretty well so here is your first clip….

It is not the clip he meant but I don’t want to spoil it too much for those who get a taste for it.  The show is filmed mainly in and around Holmfirth so I have a few pictures that you may recognise and will post a few pictures and clips to show those who have never seen it.

Nora Batty’s cottage

This clip shows the legendary Nora Batty,she of the wrinkled stockings.  The house used now bears a blue plaque in honour of the show.  Many other places used in the show also exist around the village.  at the end of this post will be a slideshow see how many you can match with clips you have watched lol

Sid’s Cafe

As it was such a lovely day we required cold beverages and therefore ended up in the local pubs but anyone wanting a warm drink could always try the cafe which features in the show.

The other half spent a lot of his teenage years

Other haf reminescing he watched Live Aid in the beer garden behind this pub on a normal tv wired up to extra speakers, no big screen tv in pubs back then lol

living up here so he knew all the pubs lol

If you ever get the chance to go have a look round I recommend it.

The old cobbled streets and the hills do make it tiring but I loved it.  We hope to go again soon and explore a little further out into the countryside.  I leave you with the slide show some of these photos were taken from the bus (which took the scenic route) back into town but didn’t come out too badly.

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12 thoughts on “Last of the Summer Wine Country

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed it my parents used to watch it when I was a kid and i admit back then i spent most of my time pulling faces after all what kid wants to watch a programme full of old people. It is only now as an adult I can actually appreciate the humour


    1. think my favourite was finding the little second hand book shop on a back street just wish other half hadn’t been with me so i could have had a proper look round 😉


  1. I must visit the Isles one day. I read and write so much about them but alas, I never been. Perhaps next year I can go. Probably be only a London tour with the environs but it would be a start, although a summer holiday in Wales or maybe Scotland sounds great too. And maybe scoot over to Woodstock, Oxfordshire, where I set my first book/novella.


    1. There are so many places to visit i only really started exploring my own country when back problems stopped me being able to go abroad to the typical tourist destinations us Brits normally head for, you never really appreciate whats right on your doorstep


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