8. Vlog Time

Vlog Time #8

This  weeks Vlog sees me sitting and having a natter about all sorts of random stuff…

4 thoughts on “Vlog Time #8

  1. I have thought about doing Vlogs, but I can read much, much faster than I can listen so I tend not to watch Vlogs. I can also type and dictate much faster, so blogging takes up far less time than Vlogging.


    1. I think it comes down to your reasons for doing it, I confess mine are in part totally selfish as they are a way of me becoming more comfortable talking to an audience. If I am ever lucky enough to be successful with my books there will be signings, panels and readings to deal with and that terrifies me, the vlogs are a way of my slowly gaining confidence, that is in part why with mine they tend to be me sitting talking to the camera in one take after all you cannot edit real life lol


      1. In my teenage youth, I was a very bad stutterer, so bad that I didn’t want friends or anything to do with anyone out in public where I might have to talk. When I went off to college at Texas A&M University, though, Public Speaking was a required freshman course. After my first speech, the professor asked me to stay after class and directed me toward Aggie Toastmasters. Founded in 1924, they are in 126 countries. They specialize in helping people overcome the fear of public speaking. I went for two years while in college and overcame my stuttering problem and my fear of speaking in public.


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