Highs and Lows · Thoughts on thursday

Spreading Some Love


Today is Valentines day yet I have so many emotions whirling around in my head and my heart today. So lets deal with one thing at a time.

In just an hour or so Charlie’s body will make its final journey on what has been a long and at times painful road but today will be a celebration of the joy and love he has brought to so many around the world as well as to his own family.  Though it will be hard for them to say goodbye his family have been overwhelmed by the support they have received from around the globe, I know a few of you will have seen this clip on his fb page but I want to share it so everyone can see the love and determination his family have to ensure his legacy continues.


I hope you could all view that as you are aware for UK residents there is a petition at http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/45622

but there is also another now at http://www.thepetitionsite.com/205/901/119/petition-to-increase-awareness-and-availability-of-umbilical-cord-donation/ which can be signed wherever you are n the world.  In lieu of flowers the family asked people make donations to the unit at the hospital which has cared for Charlie so lovingly over his final weeks at that can be found here http://www.justgiving.com/Charlie-Harris-Beard/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=fundraisingpage&utm_content=Charlie-Harris-Beard&utm_campaign=pfp-tweet.

All I can do is finish this part by saying sweet dreams little man you will never be forgotten.

The date I had announced for the book launch is looming and I do not think I will hit it so instead please know it will be coming end of Feb/beginning of March due to my dads illness I have barely even looked at the stories for the last couple of weeks now he is on the mend I shall be getting stuck back in and working as hard as I can to get it out asap.  To start the build up properly check out MS Fowle on Saturday where she will be spreading the love with a peek into the stories with a quick breakdown of what to expect from Voices Across The Void plus there will be the first give away as we head towards launch.

A final plea you haven’t already please visit and like my fb page as well as keeping track of my posts it will allow you to see what posts I am enjoying by others and I have recently started a new feature Question of the day! which relates to either my blog post or a topical issue and above all is fun. Today who would your dream date be?

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