Lazy Sunday

Lazy Sunday #40

I awoke this morning to the news that once more those who seek to change our way of life have attacked the innocent, they do not have the courage to attack those who can fight back nor do they attack those in power but instead those going about their lives in peace harming no one else, I shared a post this morning on Facebook from my wonderful friend Simon Fisher-Becker, a simple message to the terrorists, you will not win. I am not going to go into this more now because it is Sunday and we shall carry on as normal and share the love and they will not alter our lives no matter how they try.

  1. I love seeing blog posts about places I have been and this one is no exception. I went with Uni a few years ago (I was a mature student) however because I was one crutches between spinal surgeries I could not explore the grounds or the ruins but if you get the chance to visit this place you should, and also take the time to learn the background story to Bess, she was one hell of a lady
  2. As you know from my book reviews I am a lazy reviewer, I give you my basic thoughts, feelings and a score, I don’t go into real depth, partly because after studying Literature at University I know how boring a book becomes once you start over analysing it, but I do love a good review where they take the time to explore in depth without turning it into an academic paper This Doctor Who reviewer does just that and then it is we in the comments who get carried away with the petty details lol check her out
  3. You may have heard me talk a little about this thing happening in October, you know the one where I go stand near lots of fabulous authors and hope someone bothers to come and say hello to me lol, I was worrying about what I was going to put any books I might see into but it seems the amazing organisers have it covered but even if your not coming I think you should grab yourself one anyway
  4. I found a new blog today, let’s just say I have read this one post and am green with envy at the event she got to attend but I am sure she will prove to be as delightful as her writing then I can forgive her for making me jealous
  5. I have mentioned before that I have been looking into the whole imprint thing for print publishing, this is another post which explains the situation really well

I am going to pop off now and read some more about medieval torture methods, I mean how else should a girl spend a sunny Sunday afternoon, have a great week see you same time, same place next week.

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