Lazy Sunday

Lazy Sunday #30 (I know it’s Monday but it seems it did not publish despite me hitting the button!)

Good morning, I am trying to get back into the habit of posting this earlier in the day once again, however I keep getting distracted by Roger Federer bending over in front of me, and no don’t worry I am not delusional just watching the Australian open final as I write this so if you do not get it till after lunch it is his fault. I am a huge an of Federer, in an age where so many sports stars have become arrogant he remains a gent, there are no tabloid front pages of tantrums, affairs or drug scandals, I think he should be the sporting hero we show as a an example to children of what you should aspire to and though I am not a fan of Rafa Nadal I have to say this match has been a Tennis master-class.

So I haven’t spent much time this week at the computer again but I do need to seriously get stuck in to the various projects I am working on and that also means getting my routine back in place as far a blogging and everything else. I find once I start neglecting one aspect of my writing I neglect all, the slippery slope is very steep for me, so today I will be working on the newsletter for Wednesday, and don’t forget if you choose to sign up whether here, via FB or my website every month when you open the newsletter you are entered in a prize draw for that month, the prize changes each month and is announced in the newsletter. So let’s get on with a few blogs for this week…

  1. I can honestly say I have never considered writing nonfiction, I read lots, especially true crime but writing it always seemed so much like hard work to me, all that research and fact checking and then trying to make it different to all the other books on the same subject, So when I spotted this post on a blog I follow I thought hmmm this might be an interesting journey to follow, it might not be to everyones taste but I am in on seeing how he does in this class
  2. So, you have written a book, think the hard work is done, think again, it is only just beginning! Actually persuading people to read your book is tough, you give the ebook away in promotions it sits on kindles untouched but even if people read it getting them to leave that all important review is even harder. While I am not sure the classes are right for me I do think the articles on this blog are always well worth a read
  3. Next up is one that made me stop and think, about friendship, what it means and when it is not really friendship but something else which is hard to define, and how sometimes the only option we have for our own sanity is to walk away from a situation, I confess I have had some myself where I really should have followed her example in taking the practical steps a lot sooner than I did
  4. The next one is a photo blog, I love to travel but don’t get to do as much as I would like, damn that bank account lol but I do get to see places through the eyes of others here on WordPress and it is not only the sunny days that can give you a taste of a new location
  5. And lastly we go full circle, I talk about how for me to be more productive I must be busier and more organised for others the opposite is true but I love this description of being called back by the muse, I also fell in lose with one of my characters but not saying which one lol

As you may guess from the fact this is landing in your inboxes after one pm the tennis went to a fifth set, Roger distracted my by being awesome and he won so I am rather happy about that. off now to top up the coffee and update the website before cleaning the bathroom, what glamorous lives we authors lead!

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