Tasty Tuesday · Tuesday Reflections

Tasty Tuesday – Sausage One Pot Roast

Another one of those really easy dishes that don’t really require much in the way of preparation and save on the washing up, here’s what you need…


Okay so basically you need pork sausages, potates, carrots, parsnips, onions or shallots, garlic,apples and any other veg you personally want to include plus a bunch of Thyme.


The ultimate combination pork sausage and apples, my preference is pink lady apples but everyone has their own favourite and it would work equally well with braeburn or dessert apples, first thing to do is slice and dice all the veg including the apples removing the cores, if you want to leave your potatoes and root veg in larger chunks it is worth part boiling them first just to get them started. I like to skin my garlic and chop each clove in half but for those who are not so keen on it you can leave it out.

Once everything is chopped place it all in a big casserole dish or roasting tray…


Spread a few sprigs of thyme around the dish and drizzle with oil, as you can see I am using the Thyme infused oil I made from the thyme left over the previous time I made it for extra flavour.  The into the middle of the oven for around an hour at gas mark 6

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAs you can see some parts do get a little crispy so it is important to go give it all a stir round half way through.  Once it is finished remove the woody thyme stalks and transfer to a serving bowl.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThen let every one dive in, in my house I serve with gravy and yorkshire puddings, and I have to be honest there is always a fight over the sausages no matter how many I put it, it is my daughters dinner of preference when she stays over.