Fact Vs Fiction

Thoughts On Thursday: If you could bring back one musician from the dead, who would it be and why?

Thoughts on Thursday is undergoing a slight change, previously I have used it to talk about world issues or something that has annoyed me, something on my mind. This year it will be a chance for you to know me better, each day over on FB, Twitter and Instagram I will be doing my question of the day but each week here I will answer a question in more depth.

There are a few people that came to mind when I considered this but in the end, there could only be one person I would pick, David Bowie!

Like a million other girls I fell in love with the goblin king, it was not the first time that I had heard of David Bowie but it was Jareth who captured my heart, years later on the sad day of his passing I woke to a text from my daughter, it stated simply ‘The Goblin King is dead!’ And I admit I cried a little.

What Bowie was so good at, as well as the lyrics was, was allowing the imagination full reign, there were no limits, no boundaries. He immersed himself in his creations but he also allowed others to believe that anything was possible for them. I, like many others I know, am still waiting for the dream masquerade ball, somewhere on the other side of the mirror where our younger self still dwells, where we will let him keep our younger siblings to carry on the dance.

There are so many different songs that I could choose, so many that have a special place in my heart or bring back memories of my childhood, Let’s Dance, Dancing in Street, Heroes, just too many classics to pick from all of which attest to his creative genius.

Absolute Beginners was one of the films of my teens, slated by many I have to say the words of the title track always resonated with me, as I write this post I realise that it is impossible to think of the 80’s when I was a teenager without Bowie occupying some part of it.

The thing is that Bowie was not just and 80’s artist he shaped every decade he lived and performed through, even when at times he was out of the public eye, his influence continued with those inspired by him and those who he collaborated with. I do not even claim to have come close to seeing every performance from his career, this next video was new to me even now as I searched for the others.

The final video is a tribute to his work ethic, that despite battling cancer, knowing that his days were numbered, he still finished yet another masterpiece. It is hard to watch this video, knowing the truth about how ill he was but it is also a tribute that the man could face his battles and turn them into something that transcends life and death.

We can only imagine, given another two or three decades, just how many more seminal pieces Bowie could have created, but with modern technology we have the power to resurrect Bowie over and over again each time we listen to his songs, watch his videos or share them with generations to come.

Answers in the comments for which musician you would bring back even if only for just one more song.

11 thoughts on “Thoughts On Thursday: If you could bring back one musician from the dead, who would it be and why?

  1. Love Bowie, love that scene, that movie. Cannot tell you how often I watched Labyrinth with the Offspring. But as just a musician, without all the terrible stuff that came with him, I’d ask for Michael Jackson. His songs defined an era in my life.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I totally understand what you mean so many childhood memories are now tainted by recent revelations from so many people. I love watching Rolf Harris paint, loved watching it’s a knockout but now knowing that they were sexual predators preying on kids the same age as I would have been means that I cannot look back and smile thinking of the enjoyment I got from the shows.


    1. I agree it would have been fascinating to see where Lennon might have gone musically, would it have stayed on a political pathway, or would we at some point have seen a Beatles reunion. Also what further ripples would his influence have caused, how many more singers would have been introduced to new work, there are a few people that if you try to imagine a musical landscape without their input it is an impossibility

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Maybe not as ‘big’ as some of the others, I would Choose Chester Bennington from Linkin Park. I so badly wanted to see them, and he was gone too soon.

    Liked by 1 person

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