4. Thursday · Thoughts on thursday

Special Treat

Okay so the only feedback I received on the book trailer confirmed my own gut reaction, the computer generated voices are not quite right, now don’t get me wrong I am not saying they will never be used again but I do need to spend more time learning how to modify the inflections etc which apparently should be possible with the programme I have, I just need time to learn how to use it lol. For today another premier this time a human voice narrating a story from Disintegration & Other Stories which is continued into Voices Across The Void.

5 thoughts on “Special Treat

  1. While I can appreciate someone doing this for you…why can’t you narrate your own? I don’t mean to be negative, but I think you could do a better job of it. I’m sorry, I feel bad, but this wasn’t very good…no vested emotion for one thing. You know the story, you know what’s behind it….thoughts?


    1. I did consider trying one myself but I have to be honest I hate the sound of my voice, that is part of the reason I do the one take vlogs, I actually have to film a vlog tonight so maybe I should talk about it more in there ๐Ÿ˜€

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are the only one who doesn’t like the sound of your voice…I don’t think any of us do. I think you’d be great at reading, especially since the words and thoughts are yours to begin with. ๐Ÿ™‚


  2. I haven’t had time to keep up with you, Paula (I’m trying to finish and publish a book by the end of the month), but I second the idea that you do the reading. I absolutely love your voice – not just your accent, but your tone, too – it’s one of the reasons I enjoy your vlogs so much. ๐Ÿ™‚


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