3. Wednesday · Editing · Marketing · Plots · WIP Wednesday

WIP Wednesday – Finding a balance.

The book is out a couple of copies have been sold, now the nervous wait for reviews to come in and the hope someone likes what you have written.  So far no loans through the KDP programme or Kindle Unlimited and I do wonder if it is the lack of reviews which make a difference there or whether I have not got the labels and tags right, time will tell on that and if there have been no bites after a couple of weeks I might consider seeing what I can change.

It has become a fine balancing act between promoting the book and annoying friends by filling their newsfeeds with it. The thing is I know the more books I get out the more following for them I build up the less I will need to post that goes on my personal Fb page rather than my author page but for now at least there is not much I can do and I guess anyone who gets really upset me is probably not a friend who wishes me success.

Next up of course while still doing promotions for Disintegration is getting Voices back on the front burner a process which I have begun already by sorting out the pile of paper stashed on my desk for the last few weeks.

So of course the links…

Amazon.com             Amazon.co.uk

If you want a print copy and your branch of Amazon does not carry it please contact me


4 thoughts on “WIP Wednesday – Finding a balance.

      1. Unless you have produced a mid-20th century sci-fi novel with kitchy cover art, I don’t think your shtick fits my shtick. I guess I’ll take my chances. Keep posting-love your stuff.


      2. I wrote a couple of late 20th century sci-fi stories but I have done the world a favour and destroyed those lol but if you fancy a fun read the sunday series tab at the top of the page links to my two Doctor Who fanfics, the are rough around the edges as it was done as an experiment in first draft writing straight to the blog 😀


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