2. Tuesday · Flights of Fancy

And now for something a little different!

It is Tuesday so it should be Mysteries of Udolpho but I will be honest I have not read enough to write a post about, there are just so many more interesting books, maybe I will have to put away all the other books round the house until I get it finished so I don’t get distracted.  So today I debated what to do and I thought I haven’t written a poem in a while and most of the ones I write are a little depressing so I have challenged myself to write a raunchier poem.  I read a few blogs by people who write erotica some in verse form and while I have written rather kinky sex scenes in my novel I have never really tried writing sensual so here goes at least if it fails miserably we can all have a good laugh.

I close my eyes,

Feel your breath

Upon my cheek.

Its warmth

Sends a quiver

Through my body.

Slowly you peel

Back the sheet

Revealing me

Exposing me,

My vulnerability

To your touch

Hypnotised by the

Steady warmth

I wait anticipating

Loving for those

Practised moves

That play a concerto

With my senses

Building to the crescendo

Where I will thrash

In the waves

Of your music.

Eyes remain sealed

To open them

Would break the spell

And I would know

You are not here,

And all I have

Is the memory.

6 thoughts on “And now for something a little different!

  1. There. You’ve got me all of a doo daa now. I’ve come over all unnecessary. It’ll take weeks to get my blood pressure down and I just know I’m going to be dreaming again. You have to be gentle and lead up to these things slowly……
    xxx Massive Hugs xxx


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