Schedules And Lists · Thoughts on thursday

New Blogging Schedule

As promised here is the new blogging schedule for 2013, not everything has changed but hopefully you will enjoy the balance between hearing about me and my work.  The new schedule will actually start next week for this week I am afraid you are just getting random posts until the monster returns to school and I can get back in the flow of things.

So here we go…

Monday Musings stays the same featuring either a book review, film review or author interview.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Tuesday will alternate between me getting back into the saddle and continuing my Udolpho journey and a new feature Tasty Tuesdays.  I love cooking and as you saw from the Christmas pics I have a new assistant in the kitchen so I decided to share a few of our culinary adventures, now don’t expect Jamie Oliver most of the stuff I do cook will be really simple such as my thick creamy veg soup but they are the sort of things that everyone has their own version of so hopefully mine will give you ideas or inspire you to knock up something different.

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WIP Wednesday remains as before where I will discuss how I am faring on my WIP and will be the place for any reveals to take place.


Thursdays will alternate between me posting a Vlog or a writing exercise.  I am quite looking forward to getting stuck in to the writing exercises and seeing if they do help get the creative juices flowing.


Fridays will see Photo Friday continue with a mix of Flash Fiction and poetry inspired by an image from my hard drive, please feel free to use any of the friday pics if the inspire you and post a link back which I will add to the bottom of the post the following week so everyone else can come have a look.


Saturday will be a general catch up post as well as accepting any outstanding awards (and yes I know I have been really lax and have quite a few left to accept from last year but I will get there)

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Sunday will see a new feature Sunday Story where I intend to write a serial story on the blog.  Each installment will be between 500 – 1000 words depending where it suits me to stop and hopefully leave you with a cliff hanger or two.  I haven’t quite decided on the story yet but I decided to do this as frequently many of you request more when I write flash fiction so hopefully this will satisfy the desire for longer pieces.


Weekly Round Up has been cancelled and instead there will be a once a month post scheduled for the final day of that month regardless of day which will summarise the past month and look at what I am aiming to get done the following month.


Okay so there you have it the new schedule starting Monday I hope there is something there for everyone.

11 thoughts on “New Blogging Schedule

  1. I like this very much, and am glad to see you will be cooking on Tuesdays. 🙂 I still have no idea what I’m doing with my blog, and I envy your organization and well-thought plan.


  2. I wish you luck with the schedule and I’m looking forward to the creamy veg soup. We’ve been in the soup mood lately. Have a good weekend!


    1. it actually arrived friday my bad for not letting you know she has actually been away over christmas and is very frustrated knowing she has run out of reading material while your book sits here waiting from her – I am under orders that I am not allowed to read it until she has lol I know we have both read the original version but she is fascinated to see what changes if any were made in the edit process, you have your books to publicize so I think you can be forgiven for cutting back blogging I can’t wait to see what this year will bring you


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